Friday, July 6, 2007

Custom Party.

So, here I am finally posting on the blog. Customizing my predetermined selection of choices. Customizing with limitations to customizing.

Experiment: create a look to confuse someone who is glancing at the screen from both near and far points of views. Glancers should be confused by the non traditional color scheme. Text should not be readable when viewed from a distance, but still comfortably readable to the user. Any passersby not familiar to the blog should question the unexpected color usage making it difficult to discern the content of the site, but the blog should also not draw attention to itself. Compare to reading a newspaper or magazine on the train and getting annoyed at the person who is desperately tring to finish reading the article on the page that you are reading before you have to turn the page. If viewed on certain LCD monitors, the text becomes ghost text when viewed from different angles. Think of it similar to a bank atm screen's privacy feature.

...This is a color experiment. Something to make this customizing feature worth my time. Consider this a limited edition available for a limited time.

Don't spend too much time reading my blog. Shut down and go do something.

*I've changed the color theme of the layout since the time of this orginal post.


ALLLGooD said...

Finally! Congrats! Welcome to the world of blogging!

Now I have a headache.

ALLLGooD said...

Btw...a good warm up to get yourself used to posting, is to get back on twitter *hinthint*

Still here... said...

I suggest going full blown and use white text or try this...